Friday, February 7, 2025

January 2025 Reading

 A Spool of Blue Thread, Anne Tyler, 4* - Kindle

This started as a 5, and ended on a 3. Thus, my 4 star rating. Tyler writes perfect prose and dialogue.  Her description of memory loss in the main character was stunning, in my unexperienced opinion. The end was depressing and maybe too realistic.   

From Here Til the Great Unknown, Riley Keogh, 4.25*

Bestseller. Interesting insight into a topic (Elvis) that I know nothing about. Lisa Marie Presley still seems like an enigma.  

The End of the Hour, A Therapist's Memoir, Meghan Riordon Jarvis, 3.5*

Well written. More description of her family might have given me a better perspective of the situation.  There seemed to be some added trauma she didn't touch on. She should have gone there. 

Peggy, Rebecca Godfrey, 4.25* - Kindle

Really interesting piece of fiction and history. Rebecca Godfrey sadly passed away before she finished this fictional take on Peggy Guggenheim's life.  It was finished by her friend and fellow author Leslie Jamison. I enjoyed the second author's prose better. Though Jamison buttoned up Peggy's life, she also left out some years I would have been interested in hearing about.  

All the Broken Places, John Boyne, 4.5* 

Exceptional Holocaust book from a different point of view.  I have read so many Holocaust books, that I thought I had had my fill.  Glad I took a chance on this one. Adding Boyne to my "Authors to Read" list.  

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